Sunday, May 17, 2009

Matters to Learn about Twitter

Twitter is online application partly blog, cellphone/IM tools and social networking site, designed to let users answer the question “what are you doing?. Users have 140 character for each posting or Tweet to say whatever they care to say.

Twitter is launched last march 2006, the numbers of registered and the amount of attention the site has received has grown considerably in the first have of 2007. A lot of people talking about it and plenty are using it, including some presidential candidates, well known gurus and celebrities. In any case, twitter is not an individual but a group of people, an organization, or an event.

After creating an account, you can personalized your profile page and enter tweets into a text field. Unless your tweets are protected they appear on the public timeline page, which display all public tweets in reverse chronological order, like a series of “micro-blogs”

The experience of using twitter has been described as walking a room of conversation and looking for a “hook” to decide if and when to jump in. While some other people find the public timeline interesting and collect hundred or thousands of friends and followers, may see the value of Twitter in keeping connected with a select group of colleagues and acquaintances through shared space.

Twitter can be time eater. If you intact with site through cell phone, the SMS charges can accumulate rapidly, and the sheer number of updates-particularly if you have large number of friends or friends who are active user –can be unwieldy.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Plurk is really not growing?

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I recently joined but I already had an account before but I delete it because of personal reason. So I came back because most of my friends used to hang-out in the sites since few months. Will add and checking updates is the first steps to connect them. While I’m waiting the reply from my friends, I check the comments and popularity status of the

The question is, Plurk is growing or continuing decline?

Here are some comments:

  • Plurk is totally original but its main page screams generic
  • The main page has no video on how and why to use this new network site
  • No promotion obviously
  • The private messages are good but in the other side are lame. No notification at all. That can kill relationship.
  • KARMA is useless in that it’s just a toy to get more emotes, some users didn’t see it having a real purpose
  • Time consuming with the web interface
  • “Good or bad”, no matters. Some people love useless stuff.

Will, I try to realize some people thoughts. When I first joined the network and try to explore the network services, it feels so complicated because of the interface, confusing timelines. That my first impression anyhow. It is friendly if you really explore and make sense joining the conversation and updating your time lines. I think KARMA is matter to boost and make silly competition to the friend you have and to the other user who viewed your Plurk page.

Plurk is useful networking site. Recommended by thousand and commented by millions.